Welcome to the Centre for NeuroInclusion

What is NeuroInclusion in the workplace?

Neurodiversity, or natural neurological variation, is showcased in the diverse ways in which we think, perceive sensory information, process data, function executively, and connect and communicate with others. Fundamentally, the essence of the neuroinclusion concept lies in recognizing that these inherent and natural neurological differences are not deficits but rather differences, even strengths, that should be appreciated.

Neuroinclusion in the workplace refers to designing and implementing inclusive organizational strategies, policies, systems and practices, as well as cultivating organizational cultures and climates that value, support, and accommodate employees with diverse neurocognitive abilities and neurodivergent conditions, such as, ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and several others.

The goal of neuroinclusion in the workplace is to harness the strengths and unique perspectives that neurodiverse groups and neurodivergent individuals bring to the table; promote equal opportunities, respect, and understanding for individuals with neurological differences; and foster workplaces that celebrate neurodiversity, encourage open communication, provide reasonable accommodations.

By actively embracing neurodiversity, organizations can enhance Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) efforts by ensuring that all employees have an equitable chance to thrive and contribute their unique talents and abilities, improve employee engagement and well-being, and contribute to a more equitable society.

Who we are:

The Centre for NeuroInclusion is dedicated to transforming workplaces into neuroinclusive ecosystems. Established with a passion for fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion, we focus on harnessing the unique talents and perspectives of neurodivergent individuals.

Our Vision:

“At The Centre for NeuroInclusion, we envision a world where neurodiversity is not only embraced but celebrated in every workplace. Our vision is to foster workplaces where individuals of all neurological backgrounds are valued, empowered, and thrive, contributing their unique talents to create innovative, inclusive, and sustainable organizations.

Our Mission:

"The mission of The Centre for NeuroInclusion is to champion neurodiversity in the workplace by providing expertise, resources, and support to organizations. We are committed to creating a paradigm shift in corporate culture, promoting understanding, and cultivating workplaces that embrace the full spectrum of neurodivergent individuals. Through education, training and development (ETD), advocacy, and collaborative initiatives, we strive to build workplaces that recognize, harness and celegrate the diverse strengths inherent in neurodiversity."

Our Expertise:

Our team consists of seasoned, and neurodivergent, registered professionals who bring expertise to the field. Their comprehensive understanding of neurodiversity, both personally and professionally, empowers them to guide organizations in creating environments that not only accommodate but celebrate the diverse neurotypes present within their workforce.

Our Services:

  • Consulting Services: We provide tailored consulting services to assist organizations with strategy and policy development, as well as designing and implementing customized change management/OD interventions that promote neuroinclusion.
  • Training: We provide a range of education, training and development opportunities, which include (a) online short courses, (b) face-to-face and/or virtually presented workshops, (c) a carefully curated video library that includes short videos covering specific topics, and (d) a library of digital downloads. All of our training is evidence-based and rooted in behavioural science.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: We engage in advocacy efforts to raise awareness about the benefits of neurodiversity and neuroinclusion, challenge unconscious biases and stereotypes, and promote neuroinclusve workplaces.
  • Research and Development: We employ research initiatives to stay at the forefield of neuroinclusivity in the workplace, providing our clients with cutting-edge insights, strategies and solutions.
  • Assessment: We provide a wide range of services related to diagnostic and psychometric assessment.

Join us on our Neuroinclusive Journey!

Together, we can build workplaces that not only respect diversity but actively leverage it to drive innovation and success. Embrace neurodiversity with us, and let's shape a future where every individual, regardless of neurotype, can flourish in the workplace.

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Our online short courses provide participants:

  1. Flexible Learning: Our short courses provide you with the flexibility to learn at your own pace, allowing you to balance professional development with your busy schedule and family commitments.
  2. Expert-Led Content: Benefit from insights shared by our team of experienced specialists, who are also neurodiverse themselves.
  3. Real-World Case Studies: Explore real-world case studies highlighting successful neuroinclusion initiatives in various industries. Learn from best practices and discover how organizations have transformed their organisational cultures to become leaders in the practice of neuroinclusion.
  4. Interactive Modules: Engage with interactive and engaging modules that include quizzes, discussions, and practical exercises to reinforce learning.
  5. Customizable Learning Paths: Tailor your learning experience to your specific needs, ensuring a personalized and relevant educational journey.
  6. Networking Opportunities: Connect with a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about neurodiversity. Join our facilitated discussions, share insights, and together with us, build a collaborative and supportive network to enhance your neuroinclusive journey.


Embark on transformative learning experiences with our dynamic series of live webinars and face-to-face workshops on a variety of topics related to neurodiversity and neuroinclusion.

Our live webinars and workshops are meticulously crafted, highly informative and interactive. They will provide you with opportunities to grow your toolbox of tips, strategies and accommodations, as well as provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to champion neurodiversity and cultivate neuroinclusive workplaces.

Individuals who attend our live webinars and workshops will leave equipped with practical tools, actionable insights, and a renewed commitment to foster neuroinclusive workplaces. Organizations that invest in neuroinclusion through our workshops stand poised to harness the full spectrum of talent, driving innovation and success through diversity and inclusion.

Enroll in one of our live webinars and workshops today, and join us in reshaping workplace dynamics through neuroinclusive practices.

Asian girl student online learning class study online video call

Video library

Our video Library is a comprehensive resource for individuals and organizations committed to fostering neurodiversity and neuroinclusion. Explore our carefully curated collection of short(er), informative videos designed to enhance your understanding and promote actionable strategies for creating neuroinclusive environments.

Features of Our Video Library:

  1. Short and Digestible: Each video is designed to be concise and focused, making it easy for you to grasp key concepts in a short amount of time.
  2. Expert Insights: Benefit from the expertise of neurodiversity advocates, psychologists, and workplace inclusion specialists who share their insights and practical tips with you..
  3. User-Friendly Navigation: Our video library is organized into easily navigable categories, allowing you to find content relevant to your specific interests and/or needs.
  4. Regular Updates: Stay informed with regular additions to our video library, featuring the latest insights, case studies, and best practices in neurodiversity and neuroinclusion.
  5. Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Our videos are accessible online, enabling you to engage with the content at your convenience from various devices.

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OUR ONLINE Short courses




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